11 November 2012

First of the coming many Diwali-Specials!

10 Nov 2012
Yuva Office

This Diwali we decided to have some special sessions with kids.Being vacation kids would have a lot of time which we could spend together.  We are really grateful to friends from yuva who would provide us with space through out Diwali vacation, with added perk of giving the kids the liberty to design their space.

It being the same space which kids had designed this summer only some cleaning and a little redesigning was required. Kalpesh, Praveen, Ramesh, Mohan and Bharat were really enthusiastic about fixing things and cleaning and beautifying the space! 

Todays session was meant to brief them about Diwlai Schedule. We asked them how would they like to conduct story telling sessions where elder bunch could read out  and xplain stories  to the younger lot. Also every body would reflect on their learning techniques, work on them, question why they want to study , why they go to school , how applicable is their text book knowledge in their real life?

 The kids were happy that they now have a library which would have Amar chitra kathas, Panchantantra stories, AkbarBirbal, books on wild life and scientific inventions.

We had amazing discussions on Science vs God, Evolution, Nature, Greed, Faith on Almighty, Blind faith and religious practices, Big Bang Theory- which left us all with a lot of questions :)

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